Diagnostic Testing involved in
Diagnosis of a Stroke
Understanding the Link
between High Blood
Pressure and Stroke
Computed Tomography (CT)
Each day that your blood pressure is too
high, your chances of having a stroke are
increased. A stroke is a loss of brain function
caused by a lack of blood to the brain.
Stroke can result from the damage that
ongoing high blood pressure causes in your
vessels. If the affected vessel stops supplying
blood to the brain, a stroke results.
exercise, but you can work activity into
your daily life. Take 10 minutes out of your
lunch hour and take a walk. Walk to the
newsstand to get your paper instead of
having it delivered. Make it a habit to take
the stairs instead of the elevator. Park in the
farthest parking spot instead of the closest.
You’ll be surprised at how fast these little
changes can make a difference.
High Blood Pressure Damages
Blood Vessels
Vessels Thicken: When blood presses
against a vessel wall with too much force,
muscles in the wall lose their stretch. This
causes the wall to thicken, which narrows the
vessel passage and reduces blood flow.
The Benefits of Exercise
Clots Form: When blood pressure is too
high, it can damage blood vessel walls.
Fat and cholesterol (plaque) collect in the
damaged spots. Blood cells stick to the
plaque, forming a mass called a clot. A clot
can block blood flow in the vessel.
• Exercise increases your metabolism (the
speed at which your body burns calories).
• Regular exercise can increase the amount
of muscle in your body. Muscle burns
calories faster than fat. The more muscle
you have, the more calories you burn.
• Exercise gives you energy and curbs your
• Exercise decreases stress and helps you
sleep better.
Vessels Break: Sometimes blood flows with
enough force to weaken a vessel wall. If
the vessel is small or damaged, the wall can
break. When this happens, blood leaks into
nearby tissue and kills cells. Other cells may
die because blood cannot reach them.
Make Exercise Fun
Exercise can be fun. Choose an activity you
enjoy. You may even get a friend to do it
with you.
• Take a resistance-training or aerobics class
• Join a team sport
• Take a dance class
• Walk the dog
• Ride a bike
Weight Management:
Exercise and Activity
Studies show that people who exercise are
the most likely to lose weight and keep it off.
Exercise burns calories. It helps build muscle
to make your body stronger. Make exercise
part of your weight-management plan.
If you have health problems, be sure to ask
your doctor before you start an exercise
program. Have a fitness professional help
you develop a plan that’s safe for you.
Make Activity Part of Your Day
You may not think you have the time to
Before Your Test
• MRI uses strong magnets, so you’ll be
asked to remove your watch, jewelry, and
other metal objects.
• You may be asked to remove your makeup,
which may contain some metal.
• The test takes 30 to 60 minutes.
Computed tomography (CT) is a test that
combines x-rays and computer to produce
images of the inside of the body. The result
is a detailed picture that can show problems
with internal organs, bones, soft tissue, and
blood vessels. It provides more details than
regular x-rays.
The magnet used in MRI can cause metal
objects in your body to move. You may be
asked if you:
Before Your Test
• Your medications will ??????????????)??????+??$?e???????????????????????????????)?????????????????????????