Strivept - Physiotherapy Kitchener Massage Therapy Optimizes Health And Well-being | Page 5

Massage Therapy - The Way To Stay Refreshed And Relaxed • Swedish Massage – This massage is very common all around the world and for good reason as it is able to help you relax and energize your muscles, through smooth relaxing strokes, followed by kneading and rolling of the stroked muscles, then friction that increases blood flow, and finally tapping the body with fingers or a palm. By alternating these four movements, the scar tissue of the body is broken down, oxygen is brought into the blood, and then the body is relaxed. • Deep Tissue Massage – This massage is made for people who have ‘trouble’ spots, with painful or stiff muscles or tissue in the body. Therefore the therapist uses slow and powerful strokes to focus on previously injured or stiff muscles and tendons, keeping tension away.