Faculty Article
AI the next big thing in SCM
Big Data Analy cs in Manufacturing
By Mohit Goswami
Prof. Mohit Goswami is Assistant Professor at Indian Ins tute of Management, Raipur. He is a
PhD holder in Department of industrial and systems engineering, IIT khanpur. He worked as a
Divisional Manager at Tata Hitachi Construc on Company. He also published many research
ar cles in leading published journals. His areas of Interests include - New product Introduc on,
Product line design, Supply Chain Management , Risk Modeling in Supply chain among others.
n the last decade or so, manufacturers both in product focused and process focused industries
have been able to reduce waste and variabilities in their respective production as well as
organizational processes and dramatically improve product quality and yield by
implementing lean, six-Sigma, and other incremental quality improvement programs. However,
in certain process industries viz. pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and mining, even after quality
improvement programs are put in place, swings in variabilities and hence product/process quality
cannot be always granted. In context of the sheer numbers of the processes involved and the
associated complexities of production activities in such industries influencing yield and product
qualities, manufacturers need a more granular approach to diagnosing and correcting process
flaws. Big data analytics provides just such an approach.
Characteristics of Big data enabled architecture
Consider for an example, a large pharmaceutical company that manufactures life-saving drugs.
Considering the fact that if such a company caters to both domestic as well as export market, the
production process related manufacturing drugs would be subject to high degree of product
Operations & Supply Chain Club, IIM Raipur