Female, 14
Pressure is one of the most common ways to stress. She stresses when she tries to meet a standard expectation. Her stress started in school when too many people talk at the same time. One project that stressed her out the most was the “Who am I” because it was something new she had to get used to. With all the stress on her back she gave up singing, her pride and joy. She doesn’t have the time to practice because of the worry happening with assignments. Stress has also cause her to change physically and emotionally, she’s now grumpy and depressed most of the time. She sometimes takes it out of her family which causes her relationship with her family to change negatively. When this happens, she listens to music and sings along for joy. Otherwise, she’d stay up not sleeping and eating causing her to regret every time she would procrastinate. All she wishes she had was motivation.
Everyone has a story...
Wwho will control your life?
You or stress?