Letter from the Editior :

It’s The Things You Do”

Stress, everybody knows about it and everybody knows what it feels like. Why’d I choose stress? I chose stress because it’s one of my biggest concerns in life. It gets in the way of myself and everyone around me. I’m doing this magazine so that not only myself but others know how to cope with stress and how to reduce their stress. There’s a lot more to stress than you think. It doesn’t just make you want to cry but it also hurts your body and brain.

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only that has ever gotten to the point where you’re fully stressed that all you want to do is cry. I think this year has been my biggest impact on my health; mentally and physically. It was really tough coming into Bioscience High School. I was in one school kindergarten through eighth grade, I never knew how it felt to be the new girl. When going into a new environment, it’s scary. Having to get along with new teachers and student wasn’t so easy. I was scared of rejection. Why if nobody likes me? Am I the weirdo ? Will I be a loner for the rest of my High School years? It was stressing. Then the work came along. It had my brain spinning. Not only was it challenging but I would procrastinate a lot as well. So I guess it’s not all school’s fault. I’m starting to get use to it but when we first started with all the projects, I was pulling out my hair, eating more, crying, and I would always consider moving schools.

You know who Demi Lovato is right? She broke down and came bouncing back up. She would cut herself, do drugs, and stop eating. Why would she? She’s famous? She couldn’t handle hate, people would bully her. She had a lot of emotional and mental problem. She was stressed, depressed, annoyed, and just wanted to hide away from the pain. When she would cut herself, she said she had no fear, she didn’t care. She then went to rehab and came back better. She got stronger and inspired so many people. People also inspired her and helped her get over her stress. She’s now on tours and singing as happy as can be. When stressed you may go through a lot of things but there will always be ways to get better.

My point is, I want to help reduce stress. So in this magazine, I’ll be showing you how to reduce your stress. “But I’m poor” it seriously doesn’t matter. You don’t need money to reduce stress. There are fast and cheap ways to reduce it. To be able to reduce it you also have to cope with stress yourself. Don’t waste your time, make your time. Always use your time wisely and think wisely. Without that, it’s easy to become stressed.

“The storm before the calm.” Of course you are going to go through phases but again, you just have to cope with stress and think positively. There are certain point of the body that become stressed. How can you reduce that? You’ll see when you look through this magazine. There will be ways you would have never thought of.

Nancy Ochoa