Without care for our stress levels, you can damage your body!
Stress is the beginning to bad health. Stressing can overwhelm you, creating harm to yourself. Stress is the beginning of 98% of degenerative diseases. A degenerative disease is a disease when you get affected tissues or organs and they increasingly deteriorate over time depending on your lifestyle and hobbies. A lot of people don’t know this, but there’s a connection between illnesses and stress. As if stress itself wasn’t horrible enough. What can I do to prevent myself from catching diseases with my own stress? Stay away from chronic stress, that’s where things go wrong. There are many ways on how stress can harm you mentally and physically. Your health in important, any little thing that happens can be a matter of life and death.
Many people die from stress every year, 80 percent of visits to the doctor are all stress related. You get headaches because muscles contract in your head from tension, stress. We have a difficult time going to sleep because our minds overthink and make us become stressed. What you want is to turn your stress off and go to sleep. Long term chronic stress causes cardiovascular disease and that’s the number one cause of death in the United States.
The more stress you have, the more danger is put towards your health. Stress increases things like high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Stress messes with blood clots and which then increases the risk of heart attacks. Not only does stress increase the risk of heart attacks but also asthma, obesity, diabetes, headaches, depression, anxiety, accelerated aging, Alzheimer’s, and premature death. Stress can cause so much damage to our lives, but sometimes we can’t control stress in our daily lives and we have to suffer. We try to fix things but it’s really hard to when we don’t know much about stress.