Teenagers: Most teenagers said that the would be such a happy place. They wouldn’t have to worry about finishing an assignment when wanting to sleep. Everybody would be friendly and they’d have more freedom to be able to experience new things.
Vision Narrative
Why does stress have to impact our daily lives? It’s awful because you have it every day at one point or another. Another negative thing about teenage stress is that it never goes away, since there isn't much known about stress, there isn’t a way to stop it completely. Although you can’t get rid of stress, stress isn’t always a bad thing. There are also good types of stress. For example, preparing for a party or being interviewed for a job. You freak out, you get scared, but in the end you get the bad news or you end up being the best host for parties. For us teenagers, stress is super common in high schools. I know that at Bioscience High School every student becomes stressed at one point or another. Then I realized that some of us just have too much on our plates and we need some time for ourselves.
When talking to Ms.Graika, she helped me understand that volunteering would be a great way to reduce stress and give back to the world all at once! She believes that without stress, the world would be happy with less arguments and we would have more time for ourselves. I know we would have the time to help the community out. If we have time for Netflix, vine, and so on; I know we have the time to help. If there were to be a place that allows teenagers to volunteer and interact, it’d be my vision come true. Lucky for me, I talked to the senior Alexa and she has everything I want and need for my intervention. Having the students at Bioscience High School be involved with the world would be helpful for us in many ways, in months or years from now. Talking to her about volunteering triggered my brain to combine these two things and create a wonderful outcome.
This summer, I want to be involved and help others be involved; trying to do this can help make a change in this stressed out society; so it’ll probably take a while to accomplish, setting things up and organizing trips isn’t as simple as it looks. That way, we will also be looked at as helpful, dedicated, and responsible students. Phoenix would be a healthier community with better teenagers as the years go by instead of having to use our time inside, watching a screen.
Once summer is over, and we’re all sophomores, I will interview the students that participated and ask if it helped relieve their stress this summer. Even if it didn’t and they enjoyed it, I will try my best to continue this volunteering organization until I can’t anymore. A lot of teenagers don’t know that volunteering is a good thing for you, they will notice how they feel while volunteering. You give back to the world and you give back to yourself by getting healthier as the months go by.