StreetMusicMagazine Volume 4 | Page 15

its time for everybody to step it up and not be lazy about music, myself included.I saw this video recently that made me feel sad. They were interviewing people not much younger than I am that didn't know some of the biggest artist of our time.Maybe we need to introduce more music appreciation in our schools. That is a class that would have been great to take when I was in school.

SMM : Who would you like to working past or present / Why

Magalidelarosa : Michael Jackson would have been a dream artist to work with. I read a biography called "Moon Walk" that said he would work on a move for long hours until he got it right.I grew up listening to his music and he changed music forever. I don't know any artist out there today that hasn't been influenced by him. I'm sure he was just on fire when ever he practiced,recorded and danced. He was blessed with some much talent. He had it all, including amazing style.Like so many people that didn't get there chance, I wish could have met him. He is also a big influence on my fashion. I recently made a jacket for an album cover and Its very Michael Jackson style.