Stray Thoughts
News, Events & Adoption Information
Fall 2016
Senior Treasures
Page 2:
General Information
Page 3 – 4:
Ready for a Home
Page 4:
A BIG Thanks to Our
Barkapolooza Sponsors
Page 5:
Ask the Trainer
Page 6:
Pet Watch with Dr. Main
Emails & Letters
Page 7:
Hearty Thanks!
Page 8:
Our New Fundraiser
Volunteer Spotlight
Stray Thoughts is an official
publication of the West
Suburban Humane Society,
a not-for-profit, volunteerbased animal shelter.
No city, state, or federal
funds support WSHS.
Donations are tax
deductible as allowed
by law. Please call
(630) 960-9600, ext. 25 to
submit articles or receive
donation information.
Adoption Center:
1901 W. Ogden Avenue,
Downers Grove, IL 60515
E-mail Address:
[email protected]
Phone: (630) 960-9600
Fax: (630) 960-9604
hile there is nothing quite as cute
as a kitten, there is nothing quite as
overwhelming or heart-wrenching to see
a wise old face staring back from a cage.
Sometimes it is hard to understand how
someone could own an animal for so long
and then give it up or return it to a shelter.
It could be that owners work too many
hours, a new baby is on the way or it is just
too hard for them to watch their beloved
pet grow old. Occasionally the reasons are
more understandable – their owner passed
away or had to go into a nursing home
– but the end result is no less tragic. The
animal ends up spending its last days at an
animal shelter.
Please consider the following benefits of
adopting an older animal:
• The advances in veterinary care for our
animals are so great, that animals are
living longer, healthier lives and we are
able to offer them a quality of life that
wasn’t possible in the past.
• Older pets tend to appreciate the love
and care of their owner and the fact that
they have been given a second chance
at happiness. Older pets in a shelter
may suffer from depression. This is your
chance to give them joy and to get that
joy back tenfold.
• The days of dealing with the “terrible
two’s” of a kitten are over. An older cat
will still want to play but they will also be
content to snuggle up on the couch with
you for a nap or a good scratch.
• Once you adopt an animal, it is the quality
of time you spend together not the
quantity. Each day you have together is
precious and should be savored.
• Currently we have several “senior” cats,
available for adoption at the shelter. Could
your home be the right home for one of
these special seniors?
Precious was returned at the age of 11
because her family was moving where
no pets were allowed. We had a senior
wellness work-up done and she is very
healthy for her age. Precious is very shy
around other cats so she spends most of
her days in her cage in the cattery. Could
you provide her with a quiet home with no
other pets, where she could live out the
rest of her days with a loving family?
Continued on page 2