Accident & Emergency Plan
Accident & Emergency Plan
The accident and emergency plan should be put into action immediately in the following circumstances :
• If any person is injured while taking part in the regatta
• If any person is involved in an accident which could consequently cause injury to competitors or officials taking part in the regatta .
• If key race officials consider safety to be compromised due to inclement weather conditions
All umpires and officials should know where their nearest communication point is situated .
In the event of an accident , or severely adverse weather conditions prevailing , all umpires ’ first duty is to the safety of the competitor . If closer than 6 miles / 10km ( lightning / thunder gap < 30 sec .) racing will be suspended . Crews off water . Proper shelter sought e . g . within boathouse . Racing resumed after 30mins of no thunder / lightning .
Following an accident on the river , or should weather conditions be considered a safety risk by key race officials , the following procedure should take place :
All racing on the course must be stopped immediately .
In the event of an accident , the safety boat should be notified of the accident and its location , via the communication system to Race Control . All umpires on the course should be notified of the situation .
Race Control should be notified to inform the First Aid point ( which is located near the Landing Stage ) and , if necessary , contact the appropriate emergency services .
In the case of an accident , the Regatta Medical Officer should be located and informed of the situation , via the communication system and Race Control .
In the event of lightening strike , shelter should be sought inside the boathouse , or within your vehicle . All officials and umpires should prevent crews from boating , or proceeding to the Start if afloat .
No umpire or official should use the communication channel unless it is deemed necessary and connected with the incident , until notified the incident is clear .
All umpires should be regularly informed of the situation once the above procedure has been started .
Racing can only restart following a statement from Race Control that the course is clear and any injured persons are safe and being attended to in an appropriate manner .
The Safety Advisor acting on behalf of Stratford-upon-Boat Club is Paul Hazelwood . A St John Ambulance Unit is available near the Landing Stage Area . The nearest Accident & Emergency Unit is at Warwick Hospital , 24 hours a day ( telephone 01926 495321 ). A 999 or 112 call will bring an ambulance A public payphone is available in the car park opposite the Boat Club . An emergency telephone is located upstairs in the Club house kitchen .
An emergency telephone for public use is situated on the riverside path , on the Club house side of the river , adjacent to the Avon Bowling Club .