Stowe Early Learning Center PK Handbook | Page 35

returned to the health office within 90 days after starting . Oral health forms indicating cleanings , fluoride applications , and any treatment needed are also submitted . If your child needs a dental home , a referral list is available . If you are having difficulty making an appointment , please notify your Family Advocate or Health Manager for assistance .
• A pre-entry health review is required before your child starts school . It includes vision and hearing screenings and height and weight measurements . Parents will also meet with the Health Manager / Nurse to review and discuss screening results and any medical conditions and / or health and nutrition concerns . It is at this time that plans are developed to address those conditions and concerns .
Nurse Jen , our SELC Health Manager , is available for consultation regarding any health and / or nutrition concerns that you may have .
WIC : Height and weight measurements are available upon request . WIC applications can be obtained from your Family Advocate . Children eligible for Head Start are eligible for WIC services .
SICK POLICY NAEYC Standard 1B . 19
It is our goal for students to remain in school whenever possible , however there are times when a student is ill or injured and must not attend school . Depending on the illness , your child must remain out of school for the duration of time noted below .
If your child exhibits any of the symptoms listed below and / or needs medications such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen to relieve any of these symptoms , he or she is probably not well enough to attend school and should remain at home . If you are unsure as to whether your child is well enough to attend school , call the SELC Nurse at ( 860 ) 763-8858 to discuss your child ’ s condition .
If your child is in school and experiences these or other symptoms or suffers an injury , you or your emergency contact should be available to pick up .
Health Room Practices :
• For contagious illnesses , a note from a physician stating that the child is ready to reenter school is required before returning .
• Children with chicken pox are excluded from school at least seven days from the onset of rash and until scabs are dry . A doctor ’ s note is required . If the child has been vaccinated and has chicken pox , they may return when lesions are scabbed .
• Children with colds are excluded from school , if accompanied with fever or excessive cough or congestion , until contagious symptoms disappear .
• Children with conjunctivitis ( pink eye ) are excluded from school until they have been on medication for 24 hours and the drainage is gone . A medical note is required .
35 Family Handbook