Stowe Early Learning Center PK Handbook | Page 34

structure , cultural background , experiences and personal beliefs and behavior guidelines .
No child will be humiliated , shamed , frightened , or subject to physical punishment , psychological abuse or coercion by any staff member , volunteer , or student working at SELC . No child will be physically restrained , unless it is necessary to protect the safety or health of the child or others , using the least restrictive methods , as appropriate .
Suspension / Expulsion in PK :
We defer to guidance on suspension and expulsion from the Connecticut State Department of Education .
Click below for the full document regarding Suspensions and Expulsions of Students in Preschool and Kindergarten to Grade 2
Guidance _ Suspension _ Expulsions _ -Preschool _ -
Grades _ Kindergarten _ Two . pdf ( ct . gov )
To comply with the State Health Department regulations , children cannot attend school unless a current physical exam and all necessary immunizations are completed and on file in the SELC Health Office . A current physical exam is one that is not more than one year old . It must include blood pressure , hemoglobin , and lead test results , as well as TB determination of low risk or PPD skin test , to be considered complete .
All food served at SELC meets the government standards set by the USDA . Children are encouraged , never forced , to taste everything that is offered . Please inform us in writing of any food your child cannot eat due to health , cultural , or religious reasons . In addition , we will request a letter from your health care provider for all documented allergies / health conditions . ALL ALLERGIES MUST BE REPORTED !
Head Start specific health requirements :
• To promote good oral health , a dental exam is required and should be performed every six months , and an oral health form must be completed by the dentist and
34 Family Handbook