Stowe Early Learning Center PK Handbook | Page 32

These evaluations are administered by appropriate school staff including the school psychologist , school counselor , speech and language pathologist , occupational therapist , physical therapist , and special education teacher . Re-evaluations are conducted triennially for all students who receive special education .
Following an evaluation , a Planning and Placement Team meeting is held to review the testing and to determine the eligibility of the child for special education . Parents are considered essential members of the team and are strongly encouraged to attend all such meetings . No child will receive special education without the parent ’ s signature of consent to the initial placement by the PPT .
Pupil Services will act in an advisory capacity to the parents of any child who is identified as “ at risk ” but will not be 3.0 years old by September 1st to make them aware of agencies or programs which may be appropriate to their needs .
Once a student is receiving special education , annual reviews are held to determine continued eligibility and appropriateness of a program . A student may receive special education services until 21 years of age or his / her graduation from high school , whichever comes first . A parent guide to special education is available in each principal ’ s office .
Related services which are available to Enfield ’ s children include : individual evaluations , speech and language therapy , school counseling services , adaptive physical education , occupational therapy , physical therapy , and special transportation . Every child who is eligible for special education is also eligible for related services as needs are identified by the PPT . Goals and objectives are stated in writing in the Individualized Educational Program ( IEP ) of the student .
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a broad civil rights law which protects the rights of individuals with handicaps and bars discrimination based on disability . The act protects all school-aged children as handicapped who meet the definition of qualified handicapped person : ( 1 ) has or ( 2 ) has had a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits a major life activity , or ( 3 ) is regarded as handicapped by others . Federal and State regulations require that reasonable accommodations be implemented in order to provide a free appropriate public education for the handicapped student .
32 Family Handbook