Stowe Early Learning Center PK Handbook | Page 31

for those students who are physically unable to attend school , individual student evaluations for disabilities , and identification for giftedness .
Pupil Personnel Services is involved in a continuous “ Child Find ” effort to identify those children from birth to age 21 who may be at risk for failure in regular education .
An individual diagnostic evaluation may be given to any child who has been referred to a Planning and Placement Team ( PPT ) for a possible need of special education services .
A child may be referred to the Student Assistance Team ( SAT ) by parent / guardian , staff , or other concerned individual at any time . This process is the responsibility of regular education . It is the vehicle for reviewing a student ’ s needs , planning strategies and modifications , and reviewing progress , as well as providing documentation of all efforts made to assist the student . This is a process which is designed to support regular education students and must be carefully distinguished from the Planning and Placement ( PPT ) process .
The PPT process is specifically designed for potential and identified special education students . A PPT is composed of the child ’ s parent ( s ), a school administrator , classroom teacher , special education teacher , and a pupil services representative ( i . e ., speech / language pathologist , counselor , or school psychologist ).
Referrals of preschool age children for evaluation are generally made by physicians , hospitals , the Visiting Nurses Association , Head Start , day care centers , private nursery schools , and other child-oriented state or private agencies , as well as by parents . These referrals are reviewed at a PPT to determine what evaluations may be required . Upon completion of testing , the team reconvenes as a PPT to determine eligibility for special education programming and / or services .
Referrals of school age children for an evaluation may be made by their parents , teachers , principals , or counselors . However , no formal evaluation is conducted without a Planning and Placement Team meeting .
Dependent upon a student ’ s needs , school evaluation may be conducted for any of the following : intellectual level of functioning , academic achievement level , developmental age level , learning disabilities , reading ability , speech and language proficiency , or giftedness . Physical therapy and occupational therapy evaluations may also be administered with the medical authorization of the student ’ s physician .
31 Family Handbook