Stowe Early Learning Center PK Handbook | Page 29

Be Purposeful and Reflective
Be Social Learners
Students will connect their emotions / feelings to pieces of music . Students will use written and oral communication to enhance dramatic play . Students will use creative expression to design solutions to problems . Students will use mathematical reasoning skills to solve problems encountered in their play .
CTELDS Dispositions to support STEAM thinking
Students will reflect on successes and failures when trying to solve problems . Students will play an active role in planning their learning experiences . Students will express a sense of belonging within their classroom and school community .
Enfield Head Start uses Desired Results Developmental Profile and PK STEAM uses the Connecticut Documentation and Observation for Teaching System ( CTDOTS ) to document children ' s learning over time , inform instruction , identify at-risk children , and facilitate communication with families and stakeholders around child outcome data . Both tools produce progress reports which summarize assessments 3x ’ s per school year .
Progress Reports :
All students in PK will receive a progress report 3 times a year . Each marking period , families will receive a written copy of their child ’ s progress report . The 2022-2023 reporting calendar is as follows :
Assessment Window
Progress Report Issued
9 / 6 / 2022-10 / 21 / 2022
November 1 , 2022 ( Conferences Held )
10 / 24 / 2022-2 / 16 / 2023
March 3 , 2023
2 / 22 / 2023-6 / 2-2023
Last Day of school year 2023
* If snow days occur , dates may be adjusted to the number of snow days used .
• Child Family Update Meetings ( CFU ): All PK teachers meet with the Director , Education and Disabilities Manager , Health Manager , and Family Support Manager to review and monitor student progress in the areas of education , health , and family wellbeing throughout the school year . This process allows us to look at the whole child .
• Early Childhood Scientifically Research Based Intervention Meetings ( ECSRBI ): High-quality preschool programs support all children , regardless of their range of experience or current skills , abilities , and interests . Early Childhood SRBI offers a
29 Family Handbook