Stowe Early Learning Center PK Handbook | Page 28

and formal observation in the natural classroom setting and may include checklists , work samples , and anecdotal records . Families are encouraged to share ongoing developmental milestones with teachers .
• Enfield Head Start ’ s curricula aligns to both the CTELDS and the HSELOF
• PK STEAM ’ s curricula aligns to the CTELDS as well as grant required magnet standards
The Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards ( CTELDS ) serve as the foundation for supporting ALL young children in Connecticut , no matter where they live , play , and learn . The CTELDS are statements of what children from birth to age five should know and be able to do across the earliest years of development . The learning progressions within the Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards promote :
• Equity for all children , through the setting of high , but appropriate , expectations
• High-quality early learning experiences , by providing clear goals and trajectories of learning
• Provision of individual support , based on each child ’ s growth and development
• Families ’ understanding of what their children are learning and how they can support them
• Teachers ’ understanding of age-appropriate content and approaches to children ’ s learning ; and
• Communication across sectors , based upon these common goals for children
The Head Start Early Learning Outcome Framework ( HSELOF ): Ages Birth to Five presents five broad areas of early learning , referred to as central domains . The framework is designed to show the continuum of learning for infants , toddlers , and preschoolers .
• Approaches to Learning
• Social and Emotional Development
• Language and Literacy
• Cognition
• Perceptual , Motor , and Physical Development
Students will use the inquiry process to explore questions about the world around them .
Students will use the available tools and materials in the classroom to solve problems . Students will use the classroom iPads to document their findings , interact with lessons , and make observations . Students will identify a concern in the classroom environment , design potential solutions , and share these with the class .
28 Family Handbook