Stowe Early Learning Center PK Handbook | Page 42

their child ’ s first and most important teacher . Services provided by the FRC include : early learning playgroups and educational home visits for children ages birth-age five ; developmental screenings ; workshops on effective parenting ; support groups for parents of children with autism , grandparents raising grandchildren , and single parents ; support and training for family day care providers ; positive youth development programs ; resource and referrals to child care programs , and community agencies ; and a lending library of books , videos , and other resources on family and parenting issues .
For more information on the Family Resource Center , please contact us at the numbers below , email familyresourcecoordinator @ enfield . org , or visit www . enfield- ct . gov / frc . Family Resource Center at the Stowe Early Learning Center
Phone 860-253-6580 Hours : Mondays-Fridays 8:00 am-4:30 pm , year round
42 Family Handbook