As a member of SELC , you are now connected to community services and resources . For Head Start Students , Family Advocates make at least three ( 3 ) home visits per year to their assigned families . A family and their Family Advocate jointly develop a Family Partnership Agreement to learn more about the family ’ s interest , strengths , goals and needs . Family Advocates work with each family to build on strengths while providing resources for the families to meet their own needs . This approach is crucial to success in PK because children learn best when their family can support and engage in their education . Family Advocates also help identify where family strengths can be used in the classroom , on Policy Committee , and in other activities . For PK STEAM students , teachers meet with families prior to school starting , in the fall for family conferences , and additionally as needed . Strong relationships between home and school allow families to feel comfortable reaching out to staff to seek resources as needed .
The entire SELC staff embraces the philosophy of partnership with families . We look forward to partnering and collaborating with you to both learn from and share experiences and knowledge to support a high-quality PK experience for your family .
• The Education / Disabilities Manager is available to answer any education or special needs question that may arise .
• The Family Support Manager is available to answer questions that may arise regarding family engagement , transportation , and services in the community . If we do not have the resources on site , we refer to outside agencies .
• The Health / Nutrition Manager is available if you have questions concerning your child and family ’ s health or nutrition .
• A social worker ( L . M . S . W ) is available through a partnership with the Family Resource Center if you have concerns regarding your child ’ s mental health or behavior .
• Teachers will work with you to support child development and school readiness . Academic assessments will be reviewed three times a year . Activities and experiences that support your child ’ s development will be sent home regularly .
The Enfield Family Resource Center has two locations within Enfield schools- Henry Barnard School and the Stowe Early Learning Center . The Family Resource Center ( FRC ) model is a unique program where the school serves as a hub to connect and strengthen the school , families , and the community . Family Resource Centers ensure that children enter school ready to learn and provide education and support to parents in their role as
41 Family Handbook