Stowe Early Learning Center PK Handbook | Page 30

• Child Family Update Meetings ( CFU ): All PK teachers meet with the Director , Education and Disabilities Manager , Health Manager , and Family Support Manager to review and monitor student progress in the areas of education , health , and family wellbeing throughout the school year . This process allows us to look at the whole child .
• Early Childhood Scientifically Research Based Intervention Meetings ( ECSRBI ): High-quality preschool programs support all children , regardless of their range of experience or current skills , abilities , and interests . Early Childhood SRBI offers a framework for providing this support and ensuring that the needs of our youngest learners are met . Early Childhood SRBI is adapted from Scientific Research-Based Interventions ( SRBI ), Connecticut ’ s Framework for Response to Intervention ( RTI ), currently being implemented in elementary , middle , and high schools throughout the state . Implementing a similar framework , appropriate for early childhood , will help to ensure that our youngest learners have a solid foundation for future life and school success
Key Components of Early Childhood SRBI :
• High-quality core curriculum that addresses state learning standards in all domains
• Assessment to determine how children are progressing
• Individualized support , across multiple tiers , for children who are not making expected progress
• Collaborative problem solving as a basis for making decisions
30 Family Handbook