Stowe Early Learning Center PK Handbook | Page 29

The Head Start Early Learning Outcome Framework ( HSELOF ): Ages Birth to Five presents five broad areas of early learning , referred to as central domains . The framework is designed to show the continuum of learning for infants , toddlers , and preschoolers .
• Approaches to Learning
• Social and Emotional Development
• Language and Literacy
• Cognition
• Perceptual , Motor , and Physical Development
Students will use the inquiry process to explore questions about the world around them .
Students will use the available tools and materials in the classroom to solve problems . Students will use the classroom iPads to document their findings , interact with lessons , and make observations . Students will identify a concern in the classroom environment , design potential solutions , and share these with the class .
Students will connect their emotions / feelings to pieces of music . Students will use written and oral communication to enhance dramatic play . Students will use creative expression to design solutions to problems . Students will use mathematical reasoning skills to solve problems encountered in their play .
CTELDS Dispositions to support STEAM thinking
Be Purposeful and Reflective
Be Social Learners
Students will reflect on successes and failures when trying to solve problems . Students will play an active role in planning their learning experiences . Students will express a sense of belonging within their classroom and school community .
Enfield Head Start uses Teaching Strategies Gold ( TSGOLD ) and PK STEAM uses the Connecticut Documentation and Observation for Teaching System ( CTDOTS ) to document children ' s learning over time , inform instruction , identify at-risk children , and facilitate communication with families and stakeholders around child outcome data . Both tools produce progress reports which summarize assessments 3x ’ s per school year .
29 Family Handbook