STEAM in Enfield Head Start and PK STEAM is defined as : Science : students feeling comfortable with asking questions about their world and discovering the answers through interactions with their environment . Technology : anything in the classroom that can simplify a task , from scissors and crayons to iPads and smartboards . Engineering : the process of students thinking critically about the problems presented to them , being reflective about their proposed solutions , and using their mistakes to inform future endeavors . Arts : students using music , dance , visual arts , drama , and language arts to express ideas , feelings , and meanings . Mathematics : the exploration of mathematical concepts through purposeful play .
Enfield Head Start and the PK STEAM Academy implement Project Lead the Way ( PLTW ) as a supplemental curriculum . PLTW is a research informed program that incorporates curriculum and assessment , as well as teacher training and support resources . PLTW is an approach to learning that integrates Science , Technology , Engineering , the Arts , and Mathematics . PLTW lends itself to student inquiry , dialogue , and critical thinking . It encourages students to take thoughtful risks , engage in experiential learning , persist in problem-solving , embrace collaboration , work through the creative process , and ultimately prepare to solve the unknown problems of the 21st century .
The four Pre-K PLTW modules address standards from the National Association for the Education of Young Children ( NAEYC ), Head Start Early Learning Outcome Framework , and Next Generation Science Standards ( provides a scaffold to kindergarten standards ) and align to the CT Early Learning and Development Standards . PLTW :
• Supports our integrated units
• Introduces students to engineering notebooks
• Encourages STEAM thinking through the Engineering and Design Process
• Supports solving real world problems
• Implemented PK-12 in Enfield Public Schools
Enfield Head Start and the PK STEAM Academy implement the Second Step : Early Learning Social Emotional Curriculum , a research based , teacher informed , and classroom tested social emotional curriculum to promote the social emotional development , safety , and well-being of children . It ’ s designed to promote social competence and reduce social-emotional problems by teaching children skills in the core areas of :
25 Family Handbook