Stowe Early Learning Center PK Handbook | Page 24

and to make better food choices , is embedded into the curriculum . It uses the familiar image of a place setting to show proper proportioning of the five basic food groups as they would fit into a daily meal plan .
Motor Activities :
Language Arts :
Indoor / Outdoor play with large and small equipment and materials helps develop small and large muscles , language / literacy , cognitive skills , and social-emotional development .
Early print concepts , language development , appreciation of books , poems , chants , fingerplays , early writing skills , conversational tools , phonemic and phonological awareness , and comprehension .
Enfield Head Start implements The Creative Curriculum for Preschool , a comprehensive , research-based curriculum that features exploration and discovery as a way of learning . It is aligned to the Connecticut Early Learning and Development standards , as well as the Head Start Early Learning Outcome Framework and Teaching Strategies Gold , the assessment tool used to measure progress . It ’ s based on these five fundamental principles :
1 . Positive interactions and relationships with adults provide a critical foundation for successful learning . 2 . Social – emotional competence is a significant factor in school success . 3 . Constructive , purposeful play supports essential learning . 4 . The physical environment affects the type and quality of learning interactions . 5 . Teacher – family partnerships promote development and learning .
PK STEAM implements a district developed curriculum aligned to the Connecticut Early Learning and Development standards , as well as STEAM magnet standards . It ’ s grounded in these belief statements :
1 . We believe STEAM is an iterative process that is established at the PK level . 2 . We believe integrating this process in conjunction with executive function strategies , social and emotional learning , and natural interactions within the classroom lead to school success .
3 . We believe families ’ and students ’ unique experiences and perspectives enhance our curriculum and classroom environments .
4 . We believe a STEAM approach to learning eliminates barriers to education .
24 Family Handbook