Transitioning to PK
When a child goes to school for the first time , we may see tears at drop off time . Rest assured , once your child is in the classroom and engaged with exciting materials and peers , the tears subside ! It can be harder on us as adults . Here are some helpful tips to navigate tough transitions :
• Talk about school in positive ways
• Give a window wave and a hug
• Send a family photo in to be displayed in the classroom
• Talk about the schedule ! When kids know about their day , it helps ease worry .
• Know you can always check in throughout the day with the teacher or the main office !
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures NAEYC Standard 5A . 25 , 10D . 7 , 10D . 9
• Car pick-up and drop-off will be at the exterior classroom doors . We have a lot of traffic at SELC so in the spirit of safety we ask that you park and walk your child to the door . Idling poses a safety risk and traffic issue . Please refer to the attached map for detailed parking information .
• Lines have been painted along the building to support social distancing during arrival and dismissal .
• Routines help your child to navigate their day successfully . Please do your best to adhere to drop off and pick up times .
• Your child ’ s safety is our top priority . If there are any changes to your child ’ s transportation , be sure to let us know .
• You will be asked to fill out a Student Emergency form . This helps us to reach you or a trusted adult quickly in the event of an emergency . We know how much life changes , including phone numbers and addresses . If you have a change , simply let us know so we can update the Emergency form or ask us for a new one . You can also expect us to ask for an updated form after winter break .
• Your child will only be dismissed to identified family members and trusted adults that have been designated on the Student Emergency form unless you notify us otherwise . All adults must have a photo ID with them . If you would like to share photos of trusted adults who may pick your child up , feel free to do so .
• You will be asked to provide a daily health attestation for your child each day at arrival . This is to support a healthy learning environment at SELC as we are still living through a pandemic .
• We hope you value the personal contact with your child ’ s teacher at arrival and dismissal as much as we do . This time affords us the opportunity to share information back and forth that will support a successful day for your child .
11 Family Handbook