The Enfield Board of Education encourages visits by citizens , taxpayers , and families to all school buildings . To promote a safe and productive educational environment for all students and staff , the Board of Education requires all visitors to receive prior approval from the school Principal or his / her designee before being permitted to visit any school building . The Board of Education , through the administration , reserves the right to limit visits in accordance with administrative regulations .
Upon arrival , all visitors must comply with any and all applicable building security procedures , including but not limited to , utilizing security buzzers for access , complying with requests for photo identification , reporting directly to and signing in and out at the visitors ’ reception area of the school office , prominently displaying visitors ’ badges or other identification required for visitors to the school building , limiting access to those areas of the buildings and grounds for which the visitors have authorized access , and complying with directives of school officials at all times .
All visitors must report to the main entrance and access the doorbell system . You will be asked to state your name and the reason for your visit . Once buzzed in , you will wait for a staff member to greet you , sign you in , and escort you to your destination . Visitors must always be accompanied by a school staff member when working with children .
We encourage volunteers in our PK classrooms ! If you are interested in volunteering in your child ’ s classroom , please reach out to your child ’ s teacher ! This support is appreciated no matter what the length of time or frequency . We do not allow more than two visiting adults at a time so as to not overwhelm our Eaglets . A few helpful hints to keep in mind if you choose to volunteer :
• Wear comfortable clothing and shoes , PK classrooms are busy , and we spend a lot of time moving !
• When you arrive , go to the main doors to sign in and get a visitor badge . o We request that you sign in and out to facilitate accurate record keeping .
• Volunteers are held to the same standards of conduct as school staff and must observe all Board of Education policies , including applicable policies on confidentiality of student information .
• Volunteers must always be accompanied by a staff member when working with children .
• Have fun !
10 Family Handbook