Storizen Magazine June 2018 Issue Storizen Magazine June 2018 Issue | Page 40

STORIZEN TRAVEL On our way back to Manali, on the edge of a cliff, we ate Maggi, the staple celebration/comfort food of all those who were born in the 80s. Next day we started for Udhampur. We returned better acquainted with highways, sharper travelers, and most importantly intelligent packers. We realized we don’t have to stuff bags if there is space. That on bike trips less is more and that there will sometimes be arguments on what routes to take and where to stop for a meal. That it is all going to turn out alright in the end. Pulkit Singh is a ninja, she kids you not. She is also the founder of BlueSunride, a platform for non-commercial writing. In her corporate avatar, she has worked with Magna Publishing and Google. She quit it all to find her way around words. Yep, she is still lost. She believes in the healing process of stories and canines. Between chasing after her dog and her two daughters, she finds the time to write. @blue_sunride @pulkits 40 | STORIZEN MAGAZINE JUNE 2018