Storizen Magazine June 2018 Issue Storizen Magazine June 2018 Issue | Page 39
difficult to remain
standing. It was scary.
While hubby and I were
digging through the ice
with rough stones,
mentally I was taking
stock of the amount of
food I was carrying. I
realized that it was
going to be a tough
choice- either we will
perish for the want of
food, or it will be due to
numbing cold. If during
the day it was -3
degrees, we had slim
chances of making it
through the night.
Help arrived in form of
a jeep carrying people
to Lahul-Spiti valley.
Somehow we made it
to Rohtang. The sight
of mountains and
clouds dwarfing under
our height was worth
the troubles. We sat
down on the edge, had
our meager brunch of
chocolates, chips,
biscuits and hot water.
JUNE 2018
Parents on both sides
were called and a few
pictures clicked. Then
we headed back to
I wish I could say that
Rohtang was a life-
changing moment for
me. When you are sitting
that high, without
anyone around, you are
supposed to realize the
frivolity of this life and
about its transience. You
are supposed to feel
humble. Rohtang for me
was more of a reminder
of the life I had chosen.
Six months back I was
unmarried, working for
the world’s best
company and always a
happy, lone traveler.
Now I was married, had
someone to share my
travels with and much
happier. Rohtang was
like the diving line
between the past and
the future.
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