Storizen Magazin July 2018 issue Storizen Magazine July 2018 Issue | Page 57

STORIZEN CONTRIBUTE A visibly shaken Pinky whispered; stuttering into her mother’s ear. “Yes!” said her unfazed mother. Nothing mattered to her, as long as her stuck up daughter was getting married. JULY 2018 “Oh no! Not her! Never!” shouted Pinky. “Hey Bhagwan! Yeh kya kiya,Beta?” (Oh God! what did you do?) wailed the matchmaker. “Oh Yes!” shouted Karma with glee. No one messes with Karma, the powerful, the potent, the ultimate matchmaker. Following them were Mr. and Mrs. Varshney, Bablu and a feminine silhouette trudging cautiously behind in the dim light. Pinky peered from inside but it was too dark outside to see the guests clearly. The company moved into the lighted patio. The gait of the female figure looked too familiar. It was the match maker! “Is ssshe the mother of the bbboy???” Mamta Joshi did her Masters in History from Allahabad University. Her poems, reflective essays, prose pieces and short stories have appeared in national dailies and international e- magazines. A free spirit ,she works with equal ease in Hindi and English. @mamta.joshi.942 STORIZEN MAGAZINE | 57