Storizen Magazin July 2018 issue Storizen Magazine July 2018 Issue | Page 56
Everyone was
ecstatic. The
handsome one was
approached through
Mrs. Varshney, to
meet Pinky and her
family formally. The
handsome one was
clear that he would
like to see the girl
without fanfare .He
will be accompanied
with his widowed
mother at
Varshneys’ home;
neither in some
fancy five star hotel
lobby nor in Pinky’s
home: Pinky’s future
should not be in
jeopardy in case
things didn’t work
out amicably. The
guy sounded
grounded and
mature. Pinky's
family approved of
his wish for a low
key affair. Giddy
headed Pinky would
have loved to meet
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her Prince Charming
at a fancy place,
with a loud DJ and a
psychedelic dance
floor but she was too
excited to feel upset
about the
ordinariness of the
A cheerful Pinky
sought an
appointment with the
leading hair stylist
and beautician. Her
entire being was
tingling. The man of
her dreams was to
come in the evening
with his family. She
kept pinching her to
make sure it was not
a fantasy.
By late afternoon,
the entire family of
Bhatias’ was at the
Varshneys’ mansion.
A restless Pinky
could not
concentrate on
Every now and then
she glanced at the
clock, the time would
not budge .Why was
the clock so slow? It
was getting dark.
Maybe they will not
come! Maybe they
had an accident!
Maybe he balked at
the last moment.
Just when Pinky's
fertile imagination
was going haywire,
she heard a car
screech to a halt in
front of the gate, the
doors slamming.
She heard them
coming in, her
father's delighted
guffaw and her
mother's nasal high
pitched nervous
laughter fanned her
panic. The
Handsome one was
coming in flanked
by her father and
JULY 2018