Stop-Motion Development High | Page 4

� ( http :// users . telenet . be / thomasweynants / plateau-intro . html ) � http :// s1069295 . blogspot . co . uk / 2013 / 03 / joseph-plateau . html � https :// en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Joseph _ Plateau
Edward Muybridge-
Eadward Muybridge was born April 9 th 1930 , he was an English photographer , which moved across to early work within motion-picture projection . Edward relocated across the world on many occasions , he first emigrated to New York to become a book seller , then to San Francisco . He returned to England in 1861 to pursue photography , learning the process of wet-plate collodion process , and gained a lot of investments due to his work . He is known for the usage of multiple cameras to explore the development of stop motion photographs . He was the creator of the Zoopraxiscope , in 1879 . This was the manipulation of movement within the models to make it as though the silhouettes are moving .
The stop motion images are painted onto glass , which is then printed onto the disc photographically , the majority of these images are highly complex , having many moving pictures of humans as well as animals . He had extended the idea of the phenakistoscope , and had the ability to use new technology with multiple cameras to be able to capture the horse ’ s feet lifting off the floor . The amount of images he took was controlled the amount of stop frames he wanted by setting of each camera along a line to extend the animation industry , to show how to push it to the next level .
http :// www . eadweardmuybridge . co . uk / http :// www . biography . com / people / eadweard-muybridge-9419513
Lumiere brothers-
The Lumiere Brother Auguste and Louis joined the family experiments with photographic equipment and manufacturing business ’ s . The brothers combined their brains together to create the device called the Cinematographe , which had the combination of cameras , printers and projectors . This was controlled to develop the camera speed to 16 frames per second . They were the creators of moving images really , it transferred from flat images to moving film from the progression over time . They did this to show the flow of movement , and how it can use models to manipulate the human eye . Around 450 Cinematographe were created , the films could capture movements in the town , in exotic locations , and even on moving vehicles . They didntinfact create their own technique but developed it greatly to create worldly cinema films . For their work together in creating improvements in both photography and motion pictures , the brothers are remembered for the aims