Pastors : prevention starts at home !

By Gregory S . Love & Kimberlee D . Norris
Headlines related to child sexual abuse continue to rock the Church , and faith-based organizations continue to reevaluate sexual abuse response and resources .
The New Year provides a good opportunity to ‘ check in ’ on current church practices related to child sexual abuse . We asked Kimberlee D . Norris and Gregory S . Love — attorneys , sexual abuse experts and Church Executive guest editors — to speak into this topic .
Church Executive : Where Child Sexual Abuse is concerned , much has occurred since we began the ‘ Stop Child Sexual Abuse ’ Series . How is the Church responding ?
Kimberlee D . Norris : In many respects , the Church is responding more proactively than in the past . The calls that we receive at the law firm are more likely to relate to a ministry attempting to proactively prevent sexual abuse or respond appropriately , rather than an actual crisis .
Church Executive : How are external forces playing a role ?
Gregory S . Love : The risk of sexual abuse in child-serving programs is a given ; a correct response is not . Insurance companies are responding — requiring organizations to demonstrate meaningful protocols to PREVENT abuse . Legislatures are responding — passing laws to require reporting and prevention . Denominations are responding — passing resolutions and identifying sexual abuse resources . Right now , there ’ s significant urgency and movement . Unfortunately , the local church , where the risk actually occurs , tends to be behind the curve .
Church Executive : Why is that ?
Gregory S . Love
Kimberlee D . Norris
Norris : Because the church is grace-based , forgiving , and tends to think the best of folk . In church contexts , if someone wants to work with kids , we assume their motivation is good and honorable . That ’ s not always the case . The church tends to have less screening , training and defined policies in place . As a result , it ’ s an easy in for abusers .
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