Lucy Spencer , Lucy Dover and Hannah Reeve with
Andrea Boyer and Steve Hill watching over as they prepare their specialist pies
Violinist Charles Scott who came second in the busking competition
➤ the miniature applied class with a tiny jewellery box featuring Constable ’ s Hay Wain . Staffordshire Group Treasurer Phil Green , also from Tittensor , won the Beginners Applied class with his ‘ Celtic Spirit ’ jewellery box . Other Staffordshire members receiving awards were Shirley Watts , Graham Birt , John Jeggo and Quentin Smith .
For information about learning marquetry with the Staffordshire Group please contact Quentin on Tel . 01785 850614 or go along to the group ’ s weekly meetings on Wednesday evenings , from 8pm to 10pm , at the Methodist Church Hall in Stone Road , Eccleshall .
The Ecclian Society has been selected as a recipient of The Queen ’ s Award for Voluntary Service 2013 , the MBE for voluntary groups .
The Queen ’ s Award for Voluntary Service is the highest award given to volunteer groups across the UK .
The Lord-Lieutenant of Staffordshire , Mr . Ian Dudson ,
20 August / September 2013 will present the Society with a certificate and a piece of crystal glass at a venue and date to be arranged .
The Ecclian Society is delighted and honoured to have been presented The Queen ’ s Award for Voluntary Service in recognition of its work in the local community . June marked the 20th anniversary of the formation of the society which is dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of Eccleshall , a unique country town of historical interest .
Members strive to make
Open Gardens success helps Ecclian Society bag coveted Queen ’ s Award
Eccleshall attractive for visitors , residents and traders . The most obvious evidence of this is seen in the 110 hanging baskets and post mangers that are erected around the town each year .
The baskets are generously sponsored by a broad crosssection of the local community including local businesses , societies , institutions and residents all playing a significant role with Stafford Borough Council and Eccleshall Parish Council supporting the watering of the baskets .
Appropriately the flowers went up at the beginning of June on the 60th Anniversary of Her Majesty ’ s Coronation in 1953 , the day on which the honour of The Queen ’ s Award was announced , and within days of the 20th Anniversary of the Society ’ s establishment .
The Society also erects over 60 Christmas trees and lights around the town during the festive period , again with support of Eccleshall Parish and the Borough Councils .
The Society promotes Eccleshall in the region in several ways by producing a