StOM StOM 1712 1801 | Page 8

Memories are made of this !
The photograph is probably a Christmas Party of St Oswald ’ s Sunday School around 1963 , with 24 young people attending .
The back row is sitting on the edge of the stage in the wooden hall which was the venue for dances , sales of work and other celebrations .
Unfortunately , the wooden hall was damaged by fire , by those who had nothing else to do with idle hands , and had to be demolished .
The front row is sitting on those folding chairs that you had to take care you didn ’ t fall through the gap !
Regrettably there is not a list of names on the back of the photograph so apologies to those where I ’ ve recognised the face , but cannot for the life of me remember your name - or have named wrongly .
Should you be able to fill in any of the blanks , please let me know and I will print in the next magazine .
Back row : Kay Wishart ; Susan Kellie and perhaps her wee brother David sitting beside her . Middle Row : Joy McSorley ; Morag McHaffie . Front Row : Shona Marie Crown ; Anne Wishart ; Donald McDonald ; Mandy McDonald ; Neil McHaffie
I recall there were three Sunday schools taking place in different parts of the building and covering pre-fives to teenagers . These were held in the present church and vestry rooms , while the Sunday Service took place in the 1960s “ fort ” style building , now a housing estate . Time may be playing tricks , but the teachers were directed by Mr McSorley , there was Miss Ogg , on