StOM StOM 1707-08 | Page 4

We often say Think before you speak or act . Adults say it for good reason . We have learnt that we must think about the consequences of actions we take . The tiny things as well as the bigger things will always have consequences .
We have all been through a period of fast change in our government , this was a result of a leader making a choice and it affected us all and will affect the world , stocks and shares will rise and fall , interest rates will too . We played our part in the democratic process and some people will be very happy , others not .
At the recent Scottish Episcopal Church general synod , there were many votes on many important topics
StOM Page 4
• Climate change
• Administration
• Genetic engineering
• Liturgy
• Budgets
All of them vitally important for the safe and moral governance of our churches . However , the one vote that caught the attention of the world was on Same Sex Marriage . The second reading was made , the motion put and the vote in houses – Laity , clergy , bishops – happened . The votes were counted and announced . Silence was the greatest gift of grace in that hall at that point . No one stood and cheered , no one booed , no one made loud and obvious comment at all . Grace was a choice that was made by all of us . The grace to accept that people had thought long and hard about this topic for many years , guided by theology , and wise people .
It did not matter what the person sitting next to me voted , what mattered was how we reacted to the diverse choices . I am proud of the SEC for the way dignity and integrity is still intact . Good Godly conversations have and will go on . The ripples will be felt locally and globally and we will deal with the consequences of the choice to allow canon 32 to be amended allowing Same Sex Marriage in church , we will deal with it collectively .
We can choose to live in disagreement with others and to show it in anger
We can choose to live in disagreement with others in respect We can choose to die in Christ because of our choices We can choose to live in Christ because of our choices Let it be life
