StOM StOM 1707-08 | Page 3

FROM THE PULPIT Choices are everywhere. Especially in the Rectory • I Choose to Forgive • I Choose to be Authentic • I Choose to Trust • I Choose to Serve • I Choose to Love My Family Despite a lot of well-meaning folk making most of our decisions for our better and brighter future when we’re very young, we had to start learning how to choose between the options placed in front of us and make decisions. The choices you make and the decisions you take have a long-lasting impact on your life. They make us special, put a bar of distinction between us and everyone else. Our lives are a series of choices we’ve made so far. We live with those choices for the rest of our lives — and believe me when I say this, the rest of your life is hopefully a pretty long time. Whether you feel it immediately or not, your life is being shaped by the choices you are making now. Whether you decide to vote for a particular political party or save up for something nice or give money to a charity or even get your hair coloured in shades of rainbow, or say something kind to a friend — it’s your choice. It is all your choice. It has always been your choice. The past can’t be altered but it offers valuable lessons to learn from. The present is a gift you need to make the best of, but the core of your future comprises of each decision you have ever taken. Why do we make choices? Most of the time because choices make us feel something, and usually we would like to feel good about ourselves or join in the happiness of others around us The choices you make in your daily life will have an impact on other people, not just yourself. Any choice, if you are a free person living in the global north, begins with your own intention 1. Intention to do good 2. Intention to harm Your choices may not change the world, but if you choose to do good your intention will leave its mark, you will be known for the good in you. If you choose to harm you will likewise be known for the harm you cause. StOM Page 3