Vestry Report
The latest meeting of the Vestry took place on Tuesday, October 4 th .
It was generally agreed that the Harvest Lunch had been a great success,
thanks to Linda Hardie and her team of helpers.
The Rev. Lesley-ann and Ashley were specifically thanked for their
generosity in providing the food.
Although at the last meeting it had been agreed that replacing the central
heating boilers would not take place before the Winter, mainly because of
the difficulty of finding a firm prepared to deal with commercial boilers, such
as firm has now been found and someone would be coming to look at the
existing boilers on the day following the meeting.
The Rev. Lesley-ann announced that a meeting would be held at St
Oswald’s to discuss the proposed change in Canon Law to permit same-sex
“marriages” to be held in church. This will give everyone a chance to express
their views on the subject but will be unlikely to affect the eventual outcome
of the decision in the General Synod when the proposal will almost certainly
go through.
The date of the AGM is still only provisionally fixed for 20 November as Enez
Anderson has to check with the auditors whether all the necessary financial
paperwork can be finished in time.
Finally, at the next Vestry meeting the Treasurer and Secretary are due to
be appointed and to my relief, not to mention that of everyone else, it looks
as though we will by then have someone prepared to take over from me as
Paula R Fleetwood
Rev Lesley-ann and the congregation of St Oswald’s are delighted to
welcome Lucy Ireland, Mother's Union Chaplain, her assistants and all those
who will be in attendance at the Autumn Service. (Saturday 12 November
2016 at 11 am in St Oswald’s Kings Park)
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