StOM StOM 1611 | Page 4

food, and light. We regulated ourselves to the laws and pace of nature and God stood a chance of being heard. What has happened to our natural rhythm of life?? Do you have a natural rhythm or are you caught up in this society that just keeps going so that we keep buying? When can you or anyone just slow down to a stop, just because it is the right time for us all to just stop! It used to be Sundays and Christmas and Easter were Stop times, God times, good times. Now they are shop/work times, computer times, sport times, keep going times. And I have a feeling God is not best pleased with our time management. WELL!!! This girl will not put a decoration on a tree till the 20 th December, I want Advent before Christmas (not Xmas). I want All Saints before Armistice day, I want things in the beautiful order that they are meant to be. I want my flock to rest well and to celebrate the solstice when it comes on the 21 st December and to remember why we need both light and dark in our lives. Rest and Activity in balance. Winter is here my dears; let us all prepare for it together and find time to reset our pace to a slower one. but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. – Isaiah 40:31 But you must return to your God; maintain love and justice, and wait for your God always. – Hoseah 12:6 Lesley-ann StOM Page 4