StOM StOM 1611 | Page 13

love and generosity that built the foundations of what my mother was to become and that of her children and grand-children. After finishing School in 1958, it was time to embark on working life. Her chosen career path was that of an apprentice be-spoke tailoress for the renowned Glasgow tailor’s; Shearer and Hunter. It was there she learnt her craft and dressed some of Scotland's most dapper gentleman which would later include my grandfather and father. During this time, which now leads into the swinging 60’s, my mother met my father, Jack Shimmons at the Majestic Dance Hall, in Glasgow, locally known as the magic stick. My father seeing this, young, beautiful vision across the dance hall, picked up the courage to ask “Are you dancing” to be met with the reply, “Are you asking”. So on that fateful night, the love affair of my mother and father began. The courting lasted all of 9 months before they got engaged and 7 months later they marched down the aisle at St. Oswald’s Church, Kings Park. They setup home in the Southside of Glasgow and lived a carefree life for many years until August 74 when my sister Yvonne came screaming and crashing into this world followed quietly by myself in the spring of 1977. Life in Glasgow was good for all of us but the time came in 1987 when the decision was made to move to England and it was then we packed up the car and arrived here in Godmanchester. It’s fair to say that life was very different for the Shimmons family and took time to adjust but in my mother’s own typical way, she just rolled up her sleeves and got on with it. She was the back bone of our family, and this attitude, to get on with things, typified her. StOM Page 13