StOM StOM 1611 | Page 12

What ’ s ON @ St Oswald ’ s Sunday
1000 Sung Eucharist Sunday School – in conjunction with service
1900-2100 ( Last / month ) Kings Park Community Council Tuesday 1930-2130 St Oswald ’ s Vestry ( First / month ) Wednesday
Wednesday Friday
0930 1130 1730 & 1930 Slimming World C Ellis 0773 353 8448
1030 Matins Morning Prayer : Said Eucharist
1900-2000 AA Contact Helpline 08475 697 555
1930-2200 Sequence Dance Contact : H Warnock ( 01355-265233 )
2000-2200 Sequence Dance Contact : J Barr ( 01698-853652 )
Eva Shimmons
Rev Lesley-ann will lay to rest the ashes of Eva Shimmons ( nee Wood ) in the Garden of Remembrance on Saturday 5 November 2016 at 12 o ' clock . Anyone who would wish to be present please note this is not a private family only service .
This is the eulogy delivered by Craig , Eva ’ s son .

I stand before you today as one of the luckiest people on this earth , for I Craig Shimmons , the son of Eva Shimmons , had the best mother a son or daughter could ever have wished for . In fact , I think all of us here today can say we are truly lucky to have been able to call my mother , a wife , grandmother , mother in-law , aunt , friend or colleague .

We may have shed a tear when her coffin was piped in to the haunting sound of “ Flowers of the Forrest ” but my mother would not want us to mourn but rejoice in everything she held dear ... family and friendship ... As much as the pipes were tremendous she will be looking down on us now and asking , “ Would it not have been better if we ’ d had Dancing Queen by Abba ” ... That was my mum , full of life and fun .
Many of you will know my mother ’ s story but for those of you who don ' t , let me begin . Eva Alicia Shimmons was born 14th October 1943 ; in Summerfield St , Dalmarnock and later moving to Corlaich Drive , Toryglen . She was the middle daughter of Charlie and Alicia Wood , two hard working Glaswegians who gave her an abundance of love and happiness . It is this
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