From Inspires On-Line:
Vocations Sunday 2016
As we look forward to joining with the Church
across the world for Vocations Sunday on 17 April,
there is much to celebrate in the Scottish Episcopal
Church. People of many different backgrounds and
ages are coming forward to offer themselves for
service in the Church, with a marked increase in younger people exploring
vocation. Ministries are emerging to support and resource mission. A wide
and gifted group of Wardens of Lay Readers, Advisers, and DDOs serve the
College of Bishops in discerning vocation. Discernment and formation for
ministry are becoming integrated.
On Vocations Sunday, please offer thanksgiving for these developments,
and for all those who respond to God’s call; please pray for imagination to
see the potential in people and situations, and please ask God’s blessing on
our Church, that it may be equipped with the ministers it needs.
If you would like a Lay Reader candidate or Ordinand to preach at your
church on Vocations Sunday, please contact the Provincial Director of
Ordianands at [email protected]
This is the collect from the Scottish Ordinal 1984:
Almighty and everliving God, by whose Spirit the whole body of your faithful
people is governed and sanctified: hear our prayer which we offer for all
members of your holy Church; that each in their vocation and ministry may
serve you in holiness and truth to the glory of your Name; through our Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
You can find further resources for Vocations Sunday on the Provincial
website at
High Marks for Bishop of Moray, Ross and Caithness
As part of the extensive and essential repairs
taking place at St Andrew’s Cathedral,
Inverness a cherry picker was required to help
place scaffolding on the top of the tower. The Rt
Rev Mark Strange, Bishop of Moray, Ross and
Caithness took Episcopal oversight to a new level
in taking the opportunity to view his Cathedral
from a very different angle. It also allowed him to
make a more formal and close up acquaintance
with the gargoyles on the tower of the Cathedral.
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