Vestry Notes
The latest meeting of the Vestry was held on Tuesday April 7 th . As you may
imagine, quite a lot of the meeting was concerned with efforts to buy a house
for our new Priest-in-Charge. The vestry together with members of the
Patronage Committee have viewed several houses in the past month, some
of them more suitable than others. Having discussed the pros and cons of
buying property versus renting it was decided to continue trying to buy a house
and, indeed, we decided to put in an offer for the latest house that was being
considered. A closing date for offers was set and, much to everyone’s surprise,
our offer was accepted at noon today (Friday).
The other main item of business was a discussion of how to replace our
organist since it seems unlikely that Irene will be back with us in the near future
although we all hope that she will be back in the congregation eventually. Two
possible solutions were suggested; hiring an organist each week, even if one
were available, which isn’t the case at present, would cost £40 each week,
more than we could afford. Another alternative is to get an electronic device
but this would depend upon someone being both able and willing to work it. A
third possibility was mentioned so the problem may have been solved by the
time you read this.
P Fleetwood, Secretary
Along with this note comes my prayers for you all. Be encouraged in your faith
and daily living.
Many of mine and Ashley’s friends are praying for you daily. I send grateful
thanks for all you are doing to find our dwelling place.
Once a house is found we will come to you for a few days and have a “pie & a
pint” with you.
Every blessing and our love.
Lesley-ann and Ashley xx
Rev Lesley-ann Craddock
StOM Page 10