StOM 1903 StOM 1903 | Page 7

News from the SEI SEI Training Fund: Adviser for the Periodic External Review (affectionately known as the PER) which is due to take place during the academic year 2019-2020. This month we thank St Oswald’s Kings Park (Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway) for its generous donation; the Revd Sally Gorton (Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway) for continuing to give her deputising fees to the Fund; likewise, the Revd Canon Robin Paisley (Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway) for donating various consultancy fees. Basically, the evaluatory process has two parts: a visit of two to three days by a Ministry Division appointed team looking at formation & a single-day visit by a Durham-led team which is essentially an academic quality assurance review. It is likely that the residential part of the process will take place in January 2020. This money supports our fulltime (incumbent status) students who opt study for an MDiv degree at New College alongside their formational studies in the SEI. The review team will meet a wide array of stakeholders including members of Institute Council, Bishops, SEI staff, students, placement supervisors, Mixed Mode training supervisors and Diocesan Advisors. Two such ordinands, Harriet Oxley and Jennifer Holden, will complete their studies this summer and be ordained to curacies in the Dioceses of Glasgow and Galloway and Aberdeen and Orkney respectively. By giving to the Fund, donors are thus not only supporting individual ordinands but helping to build the future leadership of the Scottish Episcopal Church. This year’s winner of the Alastair Haggart Bursary Award is the Revd David Wostenholm, Rector of St Matthew’s Possilpark, Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway, and Convenor of the Diocesan Prayer and Spirituality Group. Fr David’s plan is use the award to allow him ‘to wander with intent ’ in France and Spain, carrying in his heart some significant theological questions not just for his own recreation but for the greater good of the people of God as they seek to find blessedness in modern society. The Management Committee: On 21 January the Management Committee – SEI’s Board of Studies – was joined by David Hanson, Quality Assurance Adviser at Ministry Division (left) and his colleague, Keith Beech-Gruneberg, Initial Ministerial Education Pathways The current issue and back numbers of the SEI Newsletter can be found at we-are/vocation-and-ministry/sei/sei- newsletter/ 7