Vestry Meeting
We are finding that holding the monthly vestry meetings on a Sunday
morning after the service is a complete success and all members are able to
be present. Our most recent meeting was held on Sunday 3 February 2019.
The Rector’s Warden chaired the meeting during the vacancy period and
members were brought up to date with financial, property and business
The Treasurer circulated a copy of the balance sheet and explained the
transactions, such as utilities and the reduction in payments; builder and all
repairs now completed; insurances for the rectory; the impact of the merger
of investment management company and its relocation out of the city centre.
The Secretary added the fine detail to the matters previously raised by the
Treasurer and confirmed that we are in touch with Rev Sally Gorton who
arranges visiting Priests for the Sunday service, the Diocesan Surveyor and
Property Committee and The Dean.
Since the last meeting, the Vestry had engaged the services of a cleaning
company and would like to thank Dorothy and Matt for assisting in this
We again thank Carol-ann and Matt for their service over the years and for
the many jobs they quietly carried out, including the upkeep of the church
building. We wish them well for the future and hope they will visit us on a
Sunday morning.
We thank Connor for his assistance to detangle our utility meters and saving
St Oswald’s money.
We hope you have all noticed the new guttering? Thanks to Q.R. Roofing &
Building Ltd for their work to ensure the church building is wind and water
In preparation for the garden coming to life we will contact our gardener to
confirm restart date. We have also received an offer from a congregational
member to assist “potter” doing lighter duties in the garden.
The Vestry will confirm a date to meet with The Dean and will advise you of
the outcome.
Date of next meeting Sunday 3 March 2019.
Morag McHaffie