Vestry Meeting
After our AGM in December all members of the new Vestry were present on
Sunday 13 January 2019 for our meeting.
In the absence of a Priest the Rector’s Warden chaired the meeting and
reports were provided by the Treasurer and Secretary.
The Treasurer explained that after many, many years the Bank of Scotland
we use in Burnside will close like numerous others on the high street,
nearest is now in Rutherglen. Not only will the location of our bank change
but the location of our accountants has already removed to Paisley. The
balance sheet was circulated and gave a clear picture of what we have to
hand, bills paid and remittances due.
The Secretary report covered many topics including matters regarding the
future of the rectory, to sell or let, and ensuring it is suitably insured once it is
empty. The builders have almost completed repairs for water ingress, slates
and replace the gutters around the church.
As we have groups using the building several days per week a matter of
urgency was the requirement to find a new cleaner for the church. Sourcing
a suitable person or company and getting quotes for to meet our needs.
We discussed the utility bills, and that the business manager of company
Integra Energy, recommend by the Diocese, is helping St Oswald’s to
ensure they save money by being on the best tariffs and contracts.
The Vestry decided that the Pew Sheet would only be published if there was
something very special required to be communicated after distributing the
monthly magazine. Annual payment for the church magazine is due in
February, please see the notice.
As everyone is aware that at the AGM we confirmed the vacant posts and
we are still looking for volunteers as every job is important to the smooth
running of St Oswald’s.
The vestry would like to thank Ada for agreeing to be St Oswald’s Lay
Representative. She had already taken on the role vacated by Brigitte to
ensure the magazine is posted out to our extended St Oswald’s family.
The Rev Sally Gorton has arranged the visiting Priests for a Sunday morning
and she will lead the Wednesday Eucharist. Please note the mid-week
Eucharist is on the third Wednesday of the month at 10:30 am. She has also
offered to celebrate Ash Wednesday on the morning of 6 March 2019 at
10:30 am.