Letter of invitation from:
Mrs Gillespie, Secretary of The Guild
King’s Park Church of Scotland, (SC017040)
242 Castlemilk Rd
Glasgow G44 4LB
Dear Lesley-ann
We are holding our annual Guild Guest Night on Wednesday 13 February
2019 at 7:30pm when we will be entertained by Louden Friends Ceilidh
We would like 4 of your ladies to come along and join us then, and I enclose
4 complimentary tickets.
Please let me know as soon as possible, either by letter or by phone, if they
will be able to come, so that we will know how many to cater for.
With Best Wishes for 2019 and looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Elizabeth Gillespie
Please speak to Morag, Vestry Secretary, to arrange collection of a
ticket(s) if you wish to take up this kind invitation to the above event.
Remember first come first served.
It’s that time of year, again!
Subscriptions are due 10 copies @ 70 p = £7
If you receive your magazine through the post = £10.00
Please give your subscription monies or cheque to George Trotter
(Cheques should be made payable to St Oswald’s SEC).
Don’t forget that St Oswald’s also has a website and that the magazine is
available in an electronic format for you to forward to family and friends
around the world to let them keep up to date with our news and growth.
Our grateful thanks go to St Margaret’s Church for printing our magazine.
The Editor