The Protection Officer was pleased to confirm that all was quiet at the
moment here in Kings Park.
Unfortunately, there were no dates for future training sessions regarding
protection matters for Vestry and congregational members at this time.
The any other business section of the agenda was lengthy and interesting:
The written summary of the congregational meeting had been received from
Rev Les Ireland and did seem very positive and looked towards the future.
It is hoped that there will be a further meeting and the vestry will extend an
“St Oswald’s a rich parish” and what that would mean for the future, facts
and figures.
Patronage committee and assistance of the Diocese
Discussed the future of Youth Fellowship gatherings in and around Glasgow
commencing in November and thereafter on probably a quarterly basis.
Vestry said St Oswald’s would be pleased to provide a venue.
St Oswald’s website – handover from Rev LA to ?
Administration of Wordpress.
The Digital Missioner in the Dioceses is Petko
Sunday 21 October 2018 – 10:30 am Joint Southside Regional Council
Sung Eucharist, St Ninian’s SEC
1 Albert Dr
Sermon - Rev Lesley-ann.
The meeting ended with prayer.
Minutes summarised by
Morag McHaffie
I would like to convey my thanks to all those who helped to produce a
delicious lunch prior to the Congregational Meeting which took place on
Sunday, 23 September 2018, led by Les Ireland from Lenzie.
The meeting, which was about the future of St Oswald’s, was well attended,
proved interesting and we plan to meet again in the near future.
Colin Wilkie.