StOM 1811 StOM 1811 | Page 13

She was buried alongside Malcolm in Dunfermline Abbey and the reported miracles that took place in and around her tomb supported her canonization in 1250 by Pope Innocent IV. During the Reformation St. Margaret’s head somehow passed into the possession of Mary Queen of Scots, and was later secured by the Jesuits at Douai, where it is believed to have been destroyed during the French Revolution. The feast of St. Margaret was formerly observed by the Roman Catholic Church on 10 June but is now celebrated each year on the anniversary of her death, 16 November. 30 November St Andrew No list of Saints commemorated in November could be complete without our own St Andrew and, although Brigitte has referred to him before, this comes from a somewhat different angle. Actually, to use the term “our own” suggests a degree of exclusivity to which we are not really entitled. Scotland shares the patronage of St Andrew with a long and varied list which also includes: Barbados, Georgia, Ukraine, Russia, Sicily, Greece, Romania, Burgundy, San Andres (Tenerife), The Diocese of Paranogue (The Philippines), Telhado (Portugal), Amalfi. Luqa (Malta) and Prussia! In terms of professions, he covers fishermen, fishmongers and rope-makers, textile workers, singers, miners, pregnant women, butchers, farm workers and offers protection against sore throats, convulsions, fever and whooping cough. As Saints go, that’s quite a job description! ____________________________________________ 13