Entertainment @ Rutherglen Town Hall, Main St, Rutherglen
Oh, What A Lovely War!
7 – 11 November 2018, 7:30 pm
and Matinee 2:30 pm (Sunday
only) Tea Dances:
15 and 29 November 2018, 1:30
– 3:30 (£2.50)
End of the Road:
17 November 2018. Lunch
midday with performance
@ 1 pm. Jack and the Beanstalk:
8 – 22 December
Bearsden Choir: 50 th Anniversary Concert
Handel’s Messiah
Sunday 16 December 2018, 4 – 7 pm
Glasgow City Halls
Arguably one of the best-loved works in any choir’s repertoire Messiah was
first performed by Bearsden Choir, formerly the Bearsden Burgh Choir, in
1968 the year of its foundation.
We are delighted to bring this fabulous work to you on the occasion of our
50th Anniversary.
The Messiah, by George Frederic Handel with text taken from the King
James’ Bible and the Book of Common Prayer, was first performed in Dublin
on 13th April 1742.
The work, which was originally designed to be performed on Wednesdays
and Fridays in Lent, when theatrical performances were banned by law, has
steadily increased in popularity to occupy the place it has today.
It is operatic in its construction having three movements, which respectively
deal with the annunciation and birth of Christ, his Passion and Resurrection
and finally the promise of Redemption.
It is performed by large and small choirs alike, each of which brings
something special to the work.
Do come and join us for what will be a truly spectacular performance of this
wonderful oratorio.
Alison Bennet