StOM 1806 StOM 1904 | Page 13

The appointments were: General Synod Clergy Members: General Synod Alternate Laity: Revd Nary Jepp Ms Morag O’Neill Revd Paul Watson Mr Richard Horrell Revd P.J.O’Maoil Mheana Mrs Anthea Clarke Mr Ray Gascoine. General Synod Alternate Clergy: Revd Jonathan Livingstone Revd Matthew Little Revd Dr Kevin Francis Revd Jim Benton-Evans Ada Shaw Holy Week Services Times of services in St Oswald’s may be found on Page 02 but these details of other services being held in the area may be of interest, St Margaret’s Newlands, Kilmarnock Rd Friday, 19 April 14:00 - Good Friday Service Saturday 20 April 20:00 - Easter Vigil Sunday, 21 April 09:00 – Sunday Said Eucharist 10:30 – Sung Eucharist St Ninian’s, 1 Albert Dr Thursday, 18 April 09:30- Morning Prayer 10:00 - Eucharist for Maundy Thursday 20:00 - Sung Eucharist for Maundy Thursday Friday, 19 April 12:00 - Stations of the Cross and Liturgy of Word and Sacrament for Good Friday Sunday, 21 April 10:15 - Sung Eucharist & Paschal Liturgy for Easter 13