member benefits and Chamber Programs
Business to Business , also called B2B , refers to business that is conducted between companies , rather than between a company and individual consumers . The Annual Dues for weMeet B2B is $ 99 , which will be sent as an invoice once the application process * is completed . Activation in the weMeet B2B group will begin upon invoice payment . The dues are non-refundable .
• weMeet B2B Member Only Meeting ........................................ 1st Wednesday , 9:00-10:00am , Water Street Inn
• weMeet B2B Open Meeting ........................................................... 3rd Wednesday , 4:00-5:30pm , Lolito ’ s Stillwater
Membership Listing – Information on our 500 + members is available at your request . All members receive a window decal and use of the Chamber ’ s logo on your marketing materials . Studies show that 63 % of consumers are more likely to buy from a Chamber member . ( Source : The Schapiro Group )
A complementary , one-on-one Marketing Consultation is available to any member who would like to learn about how the Chamber can help a business , specific to that business .
The MemberPlus App Increase your ability to connect with other members , stay on top of events , and much more ! Members can now download a free mobile application that will allow you to :
• Access our Member Information Center
• Search and view member listings
• Update your own profile information
• Register , pay and check in for events
• Interact with other members
• Post & view jobs , hot deals and member-to-member specials
• With your Chamber Rep login , you can begin using it immediately . Contact us if you need your rep login .
• It ’ s FREE to download and available for iOS and Android devices . Link to download is within the member center on our website .
Promote Your Business
• Company listings here in the annual printed Membership Directory which is distributed to all member businesses .
• Ribbon Cuttings – Let the Chamber welcome your business or help you celebrate a milestone anniversary , new location , major renovation , or new leadership with a Ribbon Cutting . We write a press release about your business that is sent off to our media partners , and sent out in ChamberNews , our Facebook page , and blog posted on our website .
• Website tools at GreaterStillwaterChamber . com enable consumers to find your business 24 / 7 . Each member business has their own profile page on our site .
• Upgrade to our Enhanced Web Profile Page Listing for just $ 75 / year and you can add photos , video , and more to entice consumers to click through from our site to yours and improve your SEO .
• Our online Hot Deals , Job Postings and Event Calendar are additional ways to drive customers to your business through the Chamber ’ s website .
• ChamberNews is our monthly e-newsletter sent to 3000 + local subscribers . Members may send us business news and announcements to be included in the newsletter .
• Send us your Press Releases . We will send them to our media contacts on your behalf , and send them out in ChamberNews , Facebook , and on our website .
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