GLOBAL SHARING MONTHLY NEWSLETTER – DEC. 2013 - NAVIGATION equivalent systematic observation of detected objects.” In addition Rule 7(d) (i) the risk of collision “shall be deemed to exist if the compass bearing of an approaching vessel does not appreciably change.”Based on the information provided by Ushant Traffic, the bearing between XXX and YYY remained almost unchanged until XXX altered course to starboard at approximately 1850. In addition, based on the size of YYY and that she was fitted with AIS, XXX should have been aware of her. Rule 8 of the COLREGS requires that action to avoid collision “shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, be positive, made in ample time and with due regard to be observance of good seamanship” while also “result in passing at a safe distance.” Based on the information provided by Ushant Traffic XXX change of course was made when the two vessels were close aboard. Rule 35 of the COLREGS requires that prescribed signals be sounded when a vessel is “in or near a restricted visibility, whether by day or night. It is noted that neither the Master nor the 3/O indicated whether XXX was sounding the required signals. It is noted that after ZZZ was off the port quarter, there appeared to be ample sea room off XXX port side. It is further noted that Rule 19(d) (i) allows for course changes to avoid collision when overtaking another vessel. LESSONS LEARNED: XXX did not appear to give full regard to prevailing circumstances, including the risk of collision, and permitted a close-quarters situation to develop with YYY. As a result the ship contravened Rules 7, 8 and 19 of the COLREGS as reported by Ushant Traffic. The result of this contravention was a near-miss collision. Masters are requested to review this circular with their navigation watch officers to ensure that the navigational officers are familiar with Colregs to avoid recurrence of a similar incident. REMARKS: ST 31 DEC 2013 A Shell Marine Contractors Safety Initiative